

Taekwondo is an ancient Korean martial code that translates as ‘Foot-Fist-Art’. It’s traditionally a lifelong pursuit that fosters discipline, values, and a positive attitude.The sport concentrates on fast, high-power kicks supported by a series of blocks, punches, and open hand techniques. The emphasis on speed and agility is a defining characteristic of taekwondo.

We train our students to the best of their ability. We have comprehensive age-appropriate programs that can take you and your family from a safe, supportive one-on-one introduction to a black belt and beyond.

Benefits of Taekwondo

Weight Loss – Some students come to us in shape, while others come to us overweight. Ourinstructors will be there every step of the way. All that is expected is a willingness to try.

Fitness –The principles of Taekwondo techniques are based on the design of your body. Every session would increase your strength, and confidence.

Self-Defence – When the speed and power developed through Taekwondo is used in a self-defence situation against the vulnerable parts of an attacker’s body, the results can be incredible.

Bully Proof Your Kids -Taekwondo teaches children how to recognize and deal with conflict. Our core message is that we can stop conflict before it starts.

Sports Medicine -Taekwondo acts as a great Sports medicine. Infinio World professionals can help you support healthy behavior to improve health outcomes that reduce health risks & improves quality of life.

Getting started is easy. Explore our classes and start changing your life today.